So, for those at this point who are looking for evidence of this "Russia thing", let's make some things clear.
1. There are many moving parts to this story, including [chiefly]:
-Kremlin-directed Russian cyber warfare to interfere in the 2016 elections, (DNC hack, voter roll hacks, spear phishing, fake news, targeted social media ads)
-Possible collusion between Trump campaign members and Russian operatives
-Possible obstruction of justice by the Trump team and Trump himself for the above investigation
Anyone who lumps all of these together as a "witch hunt", "nothingburger", or "fake news" is being disingenuous.
2. The entire intelligence community agrees that there was a massive hacking campaign, and it was directed and overseen by the Kremlin. This is not up for debate. See
3. The forensics of the DNC's servers after the hack were performed by third-party government contractor CrowdStrike. The FBI offered to review the DNC servers, but they declined. There is, however,
no reason to assume that there was something sinister about this. In the course of their investigation, the FBI, nor any other IC organization, have raised any concerns with CrowdStrike's findings. (IMO, most people don't know enough about CrowdStrike or information systems in general to actually raise a complaint:kanyebp
4. Asking for "proof" of anything before the investigation completes is disingenuous. Nobody actually knows
all the facts. This unfortunately cuts both ways.
If someone is telling you that the have a smoking gun before the investigation completes, or that there's NO proof, is

until proven true with the conclusion of the investigation.