Children raised in the 20 30 40 50 60 and 70s knew nothing of homosexuals. I do not know how you came to the conclusion that they did. Gays were not exposed to the American media until the 80 s and that was because of aids.
I watch a lot of old movies... and it's was subtle and wasn't about being flammin and wasn't represented by gross fakkitry... but it was out there and kids were aware 1940-80's. There have been American Gay rights groups since the 20's. By the 1940 there were more people coming out the closet so the % went from .00001% to a whopping 3% of our population.
Before that 900 BC (guess what culture this marks, lol) - 1940... There were so many plays, folktales, etc that talked about gay shyt that I don't see how you figure children didn't know about gays on Earth. We already had the first politician (openly gay) elected who was born in the 1930's. -H. Milk (Dianne Feinstein was a witness to him getting popped, bytch has bad luck with Guns, the gun debate is another issue tho) Between 1920-1940 in flims when men acted sweet - they were refered to as Gay and everyone, inlcuding children knew what it meant. even Silent films had cross dressers. In America, there were liberal movements in the 50 60 that opened up the convo and in the 80's there was a gay backlash... then 90- Now there has been gay media promotion and over saturation. I'm really not sure how you can debate any of this.