I would say you aren't correct as opposed to lying. But...
"Children of Uncertain Fortune" by
Daniel Livesay
The book's focus is on Jamaica mixed-race people
Often subjected to horrible abuses. House slave children as young as 5 were routinely raped and were reared to be sex slaves to the master of the house and his friends.
The book also details how the 1-drop rule impacted Jamaica vs the U.S... Slavers in Jamaica had to stop the 1-drop rule because their population numbers were dwarfed by enslaved population numbers.
The slavers knew that in order to maintain their system, they'd have to cause a divide. So, they allowed those people with one white parent some privileges so as long as those people of mixed race heritage continued to help maintain the system and have sexual relations with only white people.
So, for instance, a white slaver rapes a slave and the slave has a child. The enslaved woman would petition to her slavemaster to let her mixed-race child go off to Britain to get an education, etc..., the father would allow it. The father would also tell his mixed race son or daughter to marry white and if they do, they'd be given an inheritance. If those children do not, their inheritance would be drastically reduced.
The whole point was to increase white population numbers, and continue their demonic system. Or so the white Jamaican slavers thought.
But in Britain, British people saw an increasing mixed-race (they saw them as Black) population coming to their country, and they outright rejected them on grounds that the mixed-race people would "taint" their bloodline and would lead to the erasure of white Britain.
Over some time whites reduced the privileges of mixed-raced people because whites didn't trust them and felt they were becoming too familiar with the white population. They wanted them as a buffer group that would help maintain white domination and help increase white population numbers, not a group that was equal. So they made a clear distinction on what was white and non-white, and rejected interracial relations to suppress the growing mixed-race population in Jamaica and Britain.
This post is getting long, so you can read the book if you want. I believe a lot of Black people have a very superficial view of Blackness and our lack of understanding of what Black truly means and lack of understanding of white supremacy undermines us more than we think. So much so, I sometimes contemplate abandoning the term altogether.
One thing I know for sure is that creating sub-divisions is what leads to buffer groups and this leads to further entrenching the white power structure which we see in various Latin American countries like Brazil, and African countries like South Africa. The more "pure" white population are on top and the segmented, differing shades of Brown groups are divided on the bottom fighting over scraps.
I saw a topic on this singer on a forum where she took a dna test and it showed her black ancestry.
How people in the 70s thought this lady was 100% white?
She kind of looks like Eva Mendes