a few gems from Bobby Browns book (that wasn't in the movie):
- they all got arrested riding mopeds without L's after the success of "candy girl"
he was too young to be in the cell w/grown men so he was put in with the women
he wound up smashing his sisters 20 something year old friend while he was in there
- They went on tour with rick james and james told bobby to stay away from drugs
WHILE smoking weed
bobby shrugged it off and kept getting high anyway
- New edition use to call bobby extra crispy, ugly, and black
so when he went solo he said he wanted to smash everything thrown his way to make up for him being made to feel ugly
- He even smashed jessica hahn, the playboy model that brought down jimmy baker and tammy faye
He says he smashed so many women that to this day he'll be watching TV or go to the movies and remember them
- He smashed janet while she was married to her first husband (she's grimy i been telling yall)
- He smashed Lisa Raye and almost ALL of his backup dancers
- At the time he met whitney, her and eddie murphy were supposedly dating
- During the filming of HARLEM NIGHTS Bobby was on set and had a discussion with Eddie Murphy about Whitney
He asked about Whitney
- "she's cool, she just smokes too much weed for me"
Eddie then asked him about Janet - "What about that ass, is it as soft as it looks?"