On Dec. 11, 1964, Cooke was approached by shadowy figures who wanted to buy into his lucrative businesses. Sam declined the offer by saying, 'I like being my own man.' Later that evening, Cooke left a popular night club with a beautiful Euro Asian woman named Lisa Boyer . According to Boyer, Cooke drove her to a seedy motel in South Central and tried to rape her, when she broke free, Cooke allegedly chased her through the courtyard.
When she reached the manager's office, Cooke stormed in behind her. The motel manager Bertha Franklin was frightened by Cooke's irrational behavior, she would pull out a gun and shoot him four times, he would die instantly. This was the official story fed to the media outlets around the world.
After a brief trial, the jury deliberated for fifteen minutes and came back with a verdict of justifiable homicide. Bertha Franklin and Lisa Boyer were free.
The Cooke family hired an private investigator who uncovered the following facts:
Cooke had dated Lisa Boyer three weeks prior to his murder despite the fact that numerous people warned him about her colorful past which included prostitution. If Cooke was dating her, why would he try to rape her?
Singer Etta James revealed in her book "Rage To Survive," that Cooke was so badly beaten that his head was decapitated from his shoulders, his hands were broken and crushed, his nose was smashed and he had a two inch bump on his head. These injuries were never explained and a woman could not inflict these type of injuries.
Bertha Franklin had a .32 registered in her name yet she killed Cooke with a .22, she would move to Michigan and die eighteen months later.
Lisa Boyer would be arrested for prostitution one month after Cookes death and in 1979 she would be found guilty of second degree murder in the shooting death of her boyfriend.
He adds: I really fell for her. They dated (discreetly) for a while. They saw each other and talked on the phone frequently.
The way their relationship ended broke his heart. "I was telling her that I loved her and wanted her to leave the guy she was with at the time (Rene). "She told me she couldn't and that her family wouldn't allow her to be with a black man.
Mike Tyson speaking on Rick James in his book.
"I was living this crazy dual life. One day visiting friends in their prison cells, the next day hanging out with Rick James.
I met him at a party for some new movie. We were at a big club, maybe a thousand people were there, but you’re going to notice Rick James. I didn’t know whether he was a celebrity, a musician, or a gangster. Right around then he had made a lot of money from Hammer sampling him on “U Can’t Touch This,” so Rick was back in business.
Next time I saw him I was in the lobby of a hotel on Sunset Boulevard. I was sitting outside with Ricky Schroder and Alfonso Ribeiro from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, just chilling. Ricky was probably 16 then and Alfonso was maybe 17. But we’re sitting there drinking, and I looked up and I saw a convertible Cornice Rolls-Royce pull up and Rick get out.
He was wearing a loud shirt with a tie, but the tie wasn’t tied and the shirt was unbuttoned. He came over to us, slapped me five, and then he looked at Alfonso. “Aren’t you an actor?” he said and then, boom, he hit him. “Gimme that fukking beer,” he said and grabbed Alfonso’s beer. “Rick, this is a kid, you can’t hit this guy like that,” I protested. He just took that bottle and swigged from it. He didn’t care if the kid had herpes. I’m sure Rick did. “What’s up, nikka?” he said to me."
bobby womack was a real life creep
But' what Womack reveals in his new autobiography, "Midnight Mover," is even more disturbing. During the marriage, Womack was creeping into his stepdaughter's (Linda's) room at night and having sex with her until Barbara caught him and held a gun against his head. She told him to get the fu** out of her house. Womack ran to the garage, Barbara followed and shot at him, the bullet grazed his scalp. This is the reason for their divorce in 1970. Linda would marry Bobby's brother and she would never speak to her mother again.
Bobby is one of the GOATs but he was on some other shyt
I remember going to her hotel with her, and we stayed up all night, just talking about music… and I've got to be honest, I did have drugs with me, but it wasn't what she did. She was into girls [heroin], and I was into boys [cocaine]… and suddenly the phone was ringing, and whoever the guy was, asked: "Janis, is anyone with you?" And she said: "Bobby Womack", and he said, "I'm not coming up unless Bobby leaves." I've never understood that. She said, "You've got to go." We'll get together tomorrow, whatever. And as I was going down on the elevator, I remember hearing him running up the steps. I often wonder to this day who that was … a couple of hours later Paul called me … and said, "Bobby, she's dead." Stories like that, true stories, make you write, have something to say, have something to live for. They turn your life around.
Noting the continuing escalation of relational problems with his girlfriend, Bobby suggested Harry stay at his home for "a time" while he went out on a promotional tour for his new album. On the night of March 9, 1974, Womack and his girlfriend of several years (who had a child prior to their relationship that Harry looked out for) began arguing, after the woman claimed she had found another woman's undergarments in a room Womack was occupying at his brother Bobby's house. Womack was stabbed to death by the girlfriend.[1] The undergarments later turned out to be from a girlfriend of Bobby's.
Who got trains run on them that is still alive today?
Mike Tyson speaking on Rick James in his book.
I didn’t know whether he was a celebrity, a musician, or a gangster.
He was wearing a loud shirt with a tie, but the tie wasn’t tied and the shirt was unbuttoned. He came over to us, slapped me five, and then he looked at Alfonso. “Aren’t you an actor?” he said and then, boom, he hit him. “Gimme that fukking beer,” he said and grabbed Alfonso’s beer. “Rick, this is a kid, you can’t hit this guy like that,” I protested. He just took that bottle and swigged from it. He didn’t care if the kid had herpes. I’m sure Rick did. “What’s up, nikka?” he said to me."
what in the flying fucj