Nobody watching this shyt. What women have to understand with this action/hero shyt is........your demographic (men) just doesn't want to see women fight like men. It looks fake and isn't realistic and every other line you have to remind us that you're a woman. It doesn't help when you have the acting chops of a rock.
This is what they think people want because hollywood validates the opionions of ugly feminist bytches on twitter in spite of reality
The reality is women were never and aren't a sizeable/viable audience for superhero media. Nobody cares about this "I am womyn hear me rawr" corny shyt. They refuse to accept the audience is 90% male and instead double down to spite them. make it more gay, more dyke, more feminist . Seeing these folks fail to impose their will on the world is way more entertaining than the show(s) itself.
The only way they can get hoes in front of these movies/shows is to convince them tha menz are trying to tank it.
They want to say so bad "fukk [those] men" who are their primary demographic but the fashinova shoppers they covet not checking for this shyt no matter how shamefully they pander. They deserve to fail