rosario dawson


Aug 9, 2014
I got ya bruh


Aug 30, 2013
Where is that one nikka that hates her with a passion? :russ:

You can tell from his posts that his hate is real, and is soul is burning when he sees this bytch's name in threads.


Jan 31, 2014
She's definitely not ugly but I never looked at her in any type of way. Probably because I have a cousin that looks a lot like her.


Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
yep !!! classic NY !!

man that was some real shyt... nikkas used to go up in the bodega and grab 40s , cop a phily or white owl, bounce to somebody crib and get fugged up... man this movie remind me of my old crew, minus the skateboard, and white boys, but the whole getting fugged up, doing devious shyt, and hitting skins raw...and rocking that real golden era hip hop... man the 90s is the greatest era ever period...

He Who Posts Well

May 27, 2012
Even with a small budget film of $15 million, it still doesn't look like TRANCE will break even, even when it was expanded to 438 screens in it's U.S. release, virtually nobody went to see it.

Like I've said before, she couldn't open a can of beans much less a movie!, which is why some studios won't hire her for her own projects, they'll will only lose money.

Rosario is the female Cuba Gooding c00nior...Both are hated by their own minority groups, both will only sleep with caucasians, both are sycophants, both are cheaters, both are pretty much very two-face people and both have bad track record at the box-office.

Only I'd go as far to say that Dawson is the worse one out of the two of them, as far as I know Gooding has never slept with a racist, slept with a old Director that looks like Mr Bean with classes then cheated on him with a much younger actor with a donkey size and will date any big Hollywood player to further her career.

Jacksonville Swaguar said:
"Hollywood is just one great big boys club!": Rosario( The White man's doorknob)Dawson,
Well she would know, shes been pass around a lot of them. And yet still hasn't casting couched her way to Hollywood prominence. What happens when some sucker producer falls for her whorish advances and gives her a lead roll? FAILURE...Box office wise and critically
Trance barely broke even worldwide and that was with a small budget and an Oscar winning Director who's last two films were box-office hits!. And to think the silly bytch had to sleep with the old fart to get the part! it now looks like her most famous part Gale will be recast when her old sugar daddy/ mentor Harvey Weinstein makes his SIN CITY for t.v. series, she shouldn't of had that falling out with him over her licence-to-lose money vanity project of hers, it would never had made it's money back, not with her record at the box-office, no doubt he'll cast someone younger, prettier, sexier and the thing Dawson would want to be most in the world to be... a blue eyed white person![user][0]=978

And here's a scenario for you all:
In a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, and Rosario Dawson...I have a gun with only 2 bullets...
I'm shooting the fish eyed girl TWICE

She got sick of old white men excavating her smelly vagina and throwing her to the curb, so she waved her painties to catch a rich black fool and finally got a bite... Maybe now you all see the glaring truths that I've long since put you on to
Sleeps with nasty white men for acting roles and hopes of stardom that fall hilariously short? Check
Breaks up long marriages and families? check
If now you don't see this bug eyed charliton is a first class demon, then you're lost. And now Rock is about to lose...I wouldn't be surprised if this demonic woman seduced him with hypnosis and voodoo

Rosario DAWSON LOSES AGAIN. Since that article in The New Rebublic magazine and website on how Washington D.C. politicians are sick of her visting the capital and boring them with her limited opinions about politics, they stated that since her films haven't done that well at the box-office, she shouldn't be invited back there to send them to sleep, plus they right to say that she not famous enough to go there in the first place and since that block waist of hers is getting wider, don't expect her to be getting even the thankless girlfriend roles.

I want to help everyone SEE THE LIGHT...
If brown nosing was a sport she would be Olympic champion
Whether it be politicans, movie producers, directors or just white people in general, this bytch will wet her lips just to lick they backsides, she such a sycophant, she'll even go as far as to sleep with Hollywood high rollers to further her career, her track record and her reputation proves me right, Danny Boyle, Oliver Stone, Harvey Weinstein, Quentin Tarantino and Eli Roth are the ones that are everybody knows about but I'm sure theres more.

He Who Posts Well

May 27, 2012
That comment she made "That Hollywood was one big boy's club" was no doubt made over sour grapes over her licence-to-lose-money vanity project was drop by a certain Producter from his company when he found out the hard way that she wasn't going to be the next Halle Berry after flopping in a film version of a broadway hit RENT, Tarantino's biggest flop (which he later admit the even he doesn't like!) and her own film from her own film company that nobody saw. Which is why she really needs to star in a high profile role like SIN CITY 2 after starring in films that have gone straight to DVD that didn't make it's money back. That would explain why she going out with poor sap Director Danny Boyle, the guy that looks like a middle age Harry Potter!, in the chance that she may whore herself some decent roles. WHAT A USELESS IDIOT.
There is a fine line between perference and internal racism and that HUSSIE has cross it one too many times, especially when she dated a known racist!

So heres hopeing that her next movie she's got coming out does as well as her last few movies, by which I mean that they never enter the top ten films, make it's money back and goes straight to DVD after a week after release LMAO!

Just in case anyone is wondering who the Producer was who wouldn't finance her borntolosemoney vanity project, it was Harvey Weinstein. One of the rare times he was right about something but then again he should never of bought it in the first place because even a bigger A-list star let alone a sloppy booty mongrel like Dawson would of had trouble wanting to see it.

You'd think these girls would learn from the head white man's doorknob Rosario Dawson. Just because whore yourself out to men of Hollywood power doesn't mean you're going to be the next Halle Berry. No, you're just another dummy that fell for the oldest trick in the book. Atleast Zoe has held down a movie on her own unlike the former trollop :heh:

That racist dating sychophant Rosario Dawson ruffles the feathers of multiple generations.:heh:
This eggplant face having girl better be kept far away from the sequel if they no what's best for them. No one likes working with that unpleasant he whore anyways

a narcissistic sycophantic asslicking dishonest wannaba, who is so smug that I'm surprise that she hasn't disappear up her own backside yet!

An ex-boyfriend once said of Dawson "That she was the most dishonest person he had ever met!" So I shouldn't be really be surprise at going out with her Director Danny Boyle, because he not the her first she been out with. You got to remember that as a mutltiracial actress in Hollywood she limited to what roles comes her way which is why she brown nose a lot of people in the industry. She tried it on with Director Eli Roth but he too much of player and a sex freak to be played by her (Checkout the nude sex pictures of him online but be warned, the jew bear isn't very pretty naked!)can't be sure of this one but I heard she had a rumoured liasion with Tarantino but again that geek never been faithfull to anyone. Know she been on a dates Producer and Jabba The hut lookalike Harvey Weinstein when he was going to produce her licence-to-lose-money vanity project but he came to his senses when he found out she wasn't bankable enough, even tried it on with women! her seduction of Gale Ann Hurd was masterful! she pertended to be a Arsenal football suporter like Hurd, twitting her messages about the team and now she trying to get her to produce
her crap vanity project. Even tried to get to know Edgar Wright by twitting him!

Now you ask yourself this, would she really be interested in a middle age man who looks like Boyle if he wasn't a Oscar winning Director?

We need a best of Swaguar thread. Too much heat brehs :laff:
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