We came
through the storm
Nooses on our necks and a smallpox blanket to keep us warm
a 747 on the pentagon lawn
Wake up the alarm clock is
connected to a bomb
Anthrax lab on a
West Virginia farm
Shorty ain't learned to walk already heavily armed
Civilians and little
children is
especially harmed
Camoflouged Torahs, Bibles and
glorious Qurans
The books that take you to heaven and let you meet the
Lord there
Have become misinterpreted,
reasons for
read 'em with blind eyes I
guarantee you there's more there
The rich must
be blind because they didn't see the poor there
Need to open up a park, just closed 10 schools
We dont need 'em
Can you
please call the fire department they're down here marching for freedom
Burn down their tepees, turn their TV's on to teach 'em and Move!
no simple aaaa rhyme schemes or abab rhyme schemes.