Where was Obama?
Just watched most of it. Wow. After seeing this speech there's no doubt in my mind that this was nothing more than a political ploy to rally the Republican base by Romney. Any time a politician speaks in front of a group that represents a political bloc, they pander to them. Excerpt for this one. There was no pandering. It was more passive lecturing. This was meant to say "Look at me, I went and talked to them and didn't kiss their ass. I tried to educate them." There was a poll out the other day that showed Romney losing to Obama with blacks 92% to 2%He knows he won't win over one black vote with that speech. This was aimed at white voters. The crowd response probably fed into what he was looking for.
Mittens played the NAACP like a flute. He wanted to reach out to the conservatives that may hate Obama but really still don't like Mitt but even moreso it was directed at the subconsciously racist independent middleclass white suburbanites who look at him going there as some moment of bravery and openness on his part. By going into so-called enemy territory and not pandering to them he comes across to the people who he wants to vote for him as a stronger candidate.
And the boos just made it all the better for him. The NAACP members should have sat on their hands in those moments they didn't like because the optics of their booing did nothing but help Romney.
I also think, if Biden's performance at La Raza is any indicator, that he will come off as a blustery buffoon which will be considered great by the liberal base but will make those aforementioned white voters want to side with Romney even more.
That function wasn't open to just anybody though was it? ANy NAACP events I have been involved in have called for pre-registration in order to get access to it. So I doubt he was able to plant supporters in the audience and if he did they did a piss poor job.