Pedophiliac Sodomite
Drugged and raped a 14 year old girl in Jack Nicholson's hot tub.
This is nothing new, he got caught, and still has entered martyrdom with the Hollywood creeps
It’s Not Just Tarantino: Hollywood’s History of Defending Child Rapist Roman Polanski
unearthed clip from a Howard Stern interview answers those questions, illustrating exactly how Tarantino thought about sexual misconduct in 2003. In the audio, Stern asks Tarantino about “this director who raped a 13-year-old.” Tarantino goes on to passionately
defend Polanski, saying, “He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape... he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around. It doesn’t apply to everything people use it for.” Later on, he
insisted that, “She wanted to have it and dated the guy.” Even when pressed on some of the details of the incident—like Polanski giving the 13-year-old girl in question “booze and pills” before raping her—Tarantino
concluded, “Look, she was down with this.”
Only God knows the debauchery and filth that goes on in Hollywood.
Gotta separate the art from the artist? I can't see how its done.