Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Well friend, its always good to have a base, and have strategies of how to get the fight into your world. I try to train to fight people that fight now fight someone who cannot because honestly, BJJ will destroy them. Ive sparred 3 purple belts at once and came out victorious. But still, friend, im sure against joe blow he may feel confident but you may not always have bjj to help you so yes its important to understand the basics of striking so you can transition easier into your, I have a friend, friend...
in RL
who seems to think his BJJ is growing in skill.... and he seems to think just because he's in that gym all the time that his fighting skills are increasing.
I think that sometimes bjj guys think that's all they need to know... but we live in modern times.... I hope I do not have to prove this to my friend, friend.
Your friends fighting skills are inrceasing. Im sure he could crush you if hes training that much friend.