@ROFL_GUY issued 1.23million

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Seriously though breh if this isnt a troll stay safe, be discreet, and dont let the $ go to ur head and get u caught up in any vices. My advice would be to hire some reputable professionals to help u invest this money wisely and let it work for u, and live off it indefinitely and have some generational wealth to pass down ur blood line.

A milly is a lot of money, but it can and will vanish very quickly without a proper respect for it and good investment strategy. And that come down from living the good life and going back to a fixed income will burn that much hotter after getting a taste of the finer things.

Its ok to spend a little something, just dont let it start spending u:ufdup:

Just dont forget to post ur cashapp so i can send u an invoice for this consultation. We dont take coli cash, but we do offer a coli breh discount to all posters here:troll: