Pull Up the Roots
Is it really that hard to understand how a marginalized group of people can have a problem with demeaning portrayals?in a game where you can yank old ladies out their car, and stomp them out in the street, this is what people find controversial
2013 was almost a decade ago. Don't act like rapid cultural changes don't/can't happen. And people cared, just not enough. You can bet the people who were the target of the joke cared.This is just a reminder of how bullshyt the LGBT movement and their allies are, just in 2013 which really isn't that long ago you could make fun of trannies but no one cared. We all laughed. Now it's an atrocity
but even more hilarious is that the same LGBT sympathizers were calling them fakkit, homos etc in the past decade
The rest of your post is weird.
Is it really that hard to believe that people can come to see the error of their ways and change?