whats gonna happend (got the inside scoop)
Cena busts Rock open with a chair shot to the head. Ref is knocked out and oh my gawd Shane o Mac comes back with another ref, he counts 1....2... KICK OUT oh by gawd shane and cena start stomping on the rock shane picks up rock and cena gives him the middlefinger and follows by the F-U (aa) pin 1....2.....3 NEW CHAMPION John fukking Cena....the thug .... is back.
Cena busts Rock open with a chair shot to the head. Ref is knocked out and oh my gawd Shane o Mac comes back with another ref, he counts 1....2... KICK OUT oh by gawd shane and cena start stomping on the rock shane picks up rock and cena gives him the middlefinger and follows by the F-U (aa) pin 1....2.....3 NEW CHAMPION John fukking Cena....the thug .... is back.