2x WWE Hall of Famer
The track record with them lately? Outright pitiful...Nash getting bodied by his own son...Shawn Michaels doing boring interviews with Steve Austin that got less buzz than the Paige one..Hall out here angry about the substance abuse storyline from WCW a lifetime ago..X-Pac still giving weird wayward advice on PW Torch...and Cripple H is once again taking the spotlight to himself for some "big return" that no one wants to seeA true fossil
This is TEAM BRING IT, nygga. Wake upDo I have to start dropping his recent Ws for the hell of it? wanted me to heel on Rock or the threadstarter. SORRY,'re dumb ass loses again. The Rock is the perennial winner of the era. Hogan turned on his fans with color just because his daughter has a Black Kim K type of fetish....Austin is doing podcasts and don't want to be involved with the PG environment. Shawn Michaels went out like a str8 up loser and can't even come back to respect pops. Hall and Nash are almost considered dead. X- Pac doesn't matter at all. Vince Russo is ranting and raving about body weightAnd the WWE is looking FLABBY and SICK with Sasha Banks as the only true "BANKABLE" star if you will these days....
And don't forget the Rock has a surprise before even when he's shooting BALLERS..the man still carries the industry without much effort.
Since this pathetic, porn addicted jackoff decided to bring me into this, let's do a year in review:
Big Sexy Kevin Nash
- Cleared of all wrong doing in sonning my son
- Inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame
- Takes part in a monumental Wrestlemania match that features the most main eventers, HOF-ers, and Future HOF-ers in Wrestlemania history
- Stars in "Magic Mike XXL", the International smash hit of the summer, with women across the globe thirsting for Big Sexy
- Extends his being ignored by The Rock on all social media platforms streak to 19 years
- Claims victory in being blocked by porn stars, when in reality they probably blocked him after seeing the creepy shyt on his Twitter feed and some of the shyt he says
- Discusses male porn star performance in the same manner an NFL Color Commentator breaks down a game
- Enjoys lobster in Vegas without disclosing it's part of the $3.99 lunch buffet at Binion's
Yea, really wish I could trade lives with ya pal.