@Newzz you must be trolling. Guerrero is an average B - fighter a best in his best days and his best physical shape. He doesn't have the IQ or the power to beat Turman and Brook. I'd even pick Porter vs Ghost. Ghost beats Berto and got a fight with Floyd then he's acting like he's a top 5 fighter. Heck Ghost vs Broner at 145 would be exciting lol or Ghost vs Jose Sito Lopez. I don't take Ghost seriously at all.
I disagree. He's a solid B fighter @ WW. Maybe a B+ fighter in lower weight classes.
Him being B - fighter indicates he's on the verge of being a C fighter & he's better than that. 2 titles in two different weight classes. Instead of talking about wanting a Mayweather fight like so many of these fighters do, this mufukka actually climbed 2 weight classes to show he was serious & put himself in position to make the fight happen. A B- fighter isn't capable of doing that.
Chasing your "dream fight" when your 2 weight classes below & actually getting that fight is extremely hard to do, especially when it's the top draw in the world. I don't understand the hate he gets on this forum. He's definitely not the most aesthetically pleasing to watch, but he gets the job done. Hell the first few rounds against Mayweather he was looking good until Money figured him out & shut him down.
And why wouldn't Guerrero be a tough match up for Thurman, Garcia, & Brook? When will you nyggas understand that all these dudes at 140-147 are on the same tier and will continue beating each other up. None of these guys are significantly better than the other. I'll admit I like what I see from Thurman, but he's suppose to look good against the competition he is facing.
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