Striving For Greatness
Get Certs or Die Tryin
Diamond cutter won the poll 
I’m rollin with the rko especially the ones from outta nowhere

I’m rollin with the rko especially the ones from outta nowhere

I wanna say he lost a ban bet which stipulated that he was to be banned till Michigan beat OSU in footballHas gizzle really been gone that long? What’s the story there?
kanyon cutter>>> diamond cutter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rko
I HATE that variation.Definitely the Diamond Cutter. The worst version is that ridiculous Lethal Injection one Jay Lethal and Rich Swann use. It makes everyone involved look stupid.
Still say who betta than kanyon all the time
Kanyon cutters outta nowhere on cameramen and shyt it was hilarious
NobodyStill say who betta than kanyon all the time
DDP had far better variations against both small and big guys and some were actually out of nowhere as counters. Orton's are more spots, guy goes to top rope, takes too much time, fly's off the top and Orton hits the RKO.
They're not out of nowhere..they're pretty contrived and predictable.
Say thank u to all 3 oppponents for making those Gifs matter. You want to see someone do something amazing without a set up? Watch Rey Mysterio or Shelton Benjamin.
C'mon RKO looks better straight up
and Orton has done a ton of crazy ones.