I mean it more than likely will..how many famous Gambit storylines are there? Most of these things stray from the comics. They take the characters and cherry pick some storylines and take bits and pieces but it's no fun doing something panel for panel like the comic.
I don't take for granted the work it takes to put together a movie. Growing up reading comics, playing the video games, agruing 40 days and 40 nights about who's better, watching the movies and cartoons. Im pretty excited to have a abundance of Marvel and DC movies being released. The fan inside of me is like Daniel Bryan screaming Yes! YES
But, im an adult. And I dont let the nostalgia blind me. (Case in.point that god damn Dragon Ball movie) True most movies follow cannon, some are in "different universe" or what not. Im still tearing up cause I probably won't ever see Kang the Conqueror on screen in my lifetime. (Those b*stards gave Howard the duck a cameo)
I get if it was strictly based all the way on the books, I'd be cool. But a lot of people would be lost. Imagine if they really did stick to Avengers and included Ant Man(the dude who literally built Ultron). things like that, its hard but I can live with it.
Its like we know how there characters are, their power and weaknesses. Because we grew up watching, drawing, arguing, laughing, crying about these characters. (no diss) but these writer's come along,and sell out. They literally sell us out. We supported them thru the good and bad man. I know every movie isn't going to be this huge ground breaking blockbuster. Some movies are crap some are great. I get it. I just don't like what they're doing with comic movies as a whole.
Honestly why I dont post in those type of threads.