RIP Nelson Mandela


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Now people who are not ignorant sees the hypocracy of the world and especially America... Look who the last speaker is going to be... Fidel Castros bro raul. who America paints as a bad person as they usually do when they want people to hate others.. Fidel stood by Mandelas side the whole time he was in jail and still was there at the end... You see the republicans saying he is communist etc shows the ignorance the reporter just said how silly they are..

On a side note president Obama was classy and diplomatic respecting every other leader unlike others and the wack ass Israel leader who made excuses not to go. I guarantee those watching now is going to see how other world leaders show a great deal of respect for Castro

Obama and Raul shook hands, that shyt was surreal to see. The camera cut off before he go to Mugabe.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
Look man, some of yall make good points about Mandela coming out of jail and selling out. Can't refute that.

But let's keep in mind, this man did 27 years in prison. I'm not even 27 yet. His prison sentence was longer than my life :damn: If I did 27 years in prison, I'd sell out my own family to get home. I'd sell all yall nikkas out. Relatively speaking, Mandela held strong. Because 99% of people would have broke and broke hard. You talk all this militancy sh*t from the comfort of your own computer. Half you nikkas couldn't last 8 months in jail. Let alone three decades.
Jun 15, 2012

The last point mentioned above is especially relevant, since the ostensible purpose of the ANC/SACP revolution was to ameliorate the plight of the disadvantaged black population. Instead, they are transforming what was by far the most prosperous state in Africa (and the one to which black Africans were fleeing to escape Red/black oppression, despite South Africa’s apartheid system then in place) into a corrupt despotism with: squashing of dissent; looting of the treasury by top government officials; sky-high unemployment; increasing poverty and homelessness; some of the world’s highest rates of murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, car-jacking; and the world’s highest HIV/AIDS infection rates.

Resolving the issue of Mandela’s role in the SACP is all the more important when viewed in its proper historical context, which is in the context of the Cold War and the Soviet’s aggressive campaigns in the Third World through “wars of national liberation.” During that period the Communists were killing tens of millions of their own subjects in what Professor R. J. Rummel calls “democide,” or mass murder by government.

Here is a brief sampling of the mountainous record documenting Mandela’s long, conspiratorial role in the South African Communist Party:

• Among the evidence uncovered recently by Prof. Ellis are the official minutes of a secret 1982 SACP meeting at which veteran Party leader John Pule Motshabi explains to the comrades that Mandela has been a (secret) SACP member for two decades;

• Rowley Israel Arenstein, a lawyer and leading SACP member since the 1930s, said that Mandela was chosen by the SACP to create Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), and Mandela was the SACP’s main instrument in “hijacking” the ANC and marginalizing its longtime leader and president Albert Lithuli, an opponent of the SACP’s program of “liberation” through armed struggle.

• During the Rivonia Trial (October 1963-June 1964), Bruno Motolo, a black member of SACP, ANC and MK, provided devastating testimony of Mandela’s involvement in all three groups. Despite death threats, he later provided even more details in his memoir,Umkhonto we Sizwe: The Road to the Left;

• Other prominent SACP members that have publicly identified Mandela as a fellow Communist include Paul Trewhela,3 Joe Matthews, Hilda Bernstein and Brian Bunting;

• Paul Trewhela, an SACP member who was imprisoned (1964-1967) for his communist activities, and more recently assisted Prof. Ellis in his research in the archives of the Stasi (the KGB’s East German subsidiary), has said: “Mandela was indeed a member of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party.”

• During the Rivonia Trial, more than 10 documents in Mandela’s handwriting were introduced into evidence, totaling hundreds of pages. One, entitled, “How to be a good communist,” stated: “Under communist rule, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey… In our country the struggle of the oppressed masses is led by the South African Communist Party and inspired by its policies.” He also wrote: “The people of South Africa, led by the South African Communist Party, will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism.”

• Mandela’s Rivonia documents also declared that “traitors and informers should be ruthlessly eliminated,” and he recommended “cutting off their noses” — among other barbarities — a tactic he had adopted from Algeria’s communist FLN terrorists and which he put into practice by MK;

• Mandela did not deny writing the damning material, but merely attempted to explain it away by claiming they were notes he had taken down for study purposes;

• A Rivonia trial surprise witness was Gerard Ludi, a top SACP member who was actually an infiltrator, Agent Q-018, for the Special Branch of the South African Police. Ludi provided detailed incriminatory evidence on the SACP’s leadership and illegal activities. He identified Mandela as “a top man in the central committee of the underground communist party.” Subsequent revelations have proven the reliability of Ludi’s testimony.

In the category of a picture being worth a thousand words, one of the most striking images of Mandela is of him standing beneath a giant Communist hammer and sickle symbol (photo at left), side-by-side with Joe Slovo, top leader of the SACP — with both men delivering the communist clenched fist salute. Mandela declared: “I salute the South African Communist Party for its sterling contribution to the struggle for democracy.” It is worthy of note that this occurred not once, but many times, as Mandela and Slovo toured South Africa;

• Comrade Slovo, a Lithuanian-born Communist and a colonel in the Soviet KGB, was for decades one of Mandela’s closest associates in the SACP, ANC, and MK;

• Slovo himself stated, in his 1986 propaganda article, "The Sabotage Campaign": “To constitute the High Command [of Umkhonto we Sizwe] the ANC appointed Mandela and the Party appointed me.” Since Mandela was himself a secret top member of the Party, this constitutes a admission that the SACP appointed and thereby controlled MK from the start.

So, Nelson Mandela was not only a SACP member, but a top Communist at that, a member of the ruling Central Committee. And not only that, but he was selected by his fellow top Communists to be the key Red who would launch the Kremlin-approved, Soviet-backed terror war against the South African government.

And there's his wife...


All Star
May 1, 2012


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla

Not excusing what she did but the woman was made a pychopath by the south African government. They were doing all kinds of shyt to her when they would kidnap her, probably giving her hallucinogens and telling her to do crazy shyt under her psychosis state of mind and then dumping her back into the township. I don't think yall understand that these devilish cacs used every single weapon at their disposal including psychological warfare to maintain rule. A women should NEVER lead a revolution because they are easily manipulated. These cacs also used divide and conquer and funded blacks to become tribalists for money to fight against the non-tribalist ANC. They also had snitches all through the ANC and townships on payroll. Some kids were snitches getting candy and money telling. The white run media is not a trusted source on shyt concerning the apartheid struggle, they still are hiding all the shyt done under apartheid from the general public. That is why most people just know a few key facts about that era but not the history of white treachery of hundreds of years there.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Look man, some of yall make good points about Mandela coming out of jail and selling out. Can't refute that.

But let's keep in mind, this man did 27 years in prison. I'm not even 27 yet. His prison sentence was longer than my life :damn: If I did 27 years in prison, I'd sell out my own family to get home. I'd sell all yall nikkas out. Relatively speaking, Mandela held strong. Because 99% of people would have broke and broke hard. You talk all this militancy sh*t from the comfort of your own computer. Half you nikkas couldn't last 8 months in jail. Let alone three decades.

Nah breh, he remembered the reason he was in jail to begin with it and he was very content with it. You wouldn't want to sell out then all the shyt you and your fam went through would have been for nothing. Your daughters grow up to be fighters and are about that life. Its the reason why the same dudes were in jail with him held their ground. None of those dudes wavered and were ready to die in jail before making concessions. Why come all that way only to turn yourself into a c00n and begin tap dancing for cac devils?


Aug 29, 2013
This guy does an amazing painting of Nelson Mandela inside 5 minutes.
And he actually does it upside down as two guys play music
