You never know, but i believe demons were riding him. People still get possessed these days or what some people call go crazy. Back home in Louisiana many people still get possessed or go crazy, having evil dreams and desires of killing your own kids and love ones. Who knows, he might of offed himself to keep from hurting someone else.
The projects I'm from, this normal dude 9-5 type of dude, cut his baby's feet off and made blood footprints on the ceiling. EVIL! Sometimes the Devil and Demon win.
Then there's selling your soul for success, if you think about all the Big timers from the past are falling off. I don't think a lot of the people we think are really baller are really balling. Time will tell. Sometime the devil calls you home. I'm from Central Louisiana, we're very superstitious and practice the dark arts. So don't mind me.
May his God Bless him and his love ones.