def not the Black Panther AmeriKKKa wants right now!

Would he be White Tiger or Black Panther?!
That was my gut reaction as well. Her character has been established as more of a tech-expert and scientist, and less of a warrior.Shuri wouldnt as much of a problem.....if they had got Lupita for that role like some speculated. The current Shuri was positioned as T'Challa's "Q" from the Bond series. Not much of a warrior.
Also doing Shuri as lead potentially overlaps a potential RiRi Williams as Iron Heart if they wanted to do that. .
My sister got my pops this mug.
He text me this and be like, "bet you dont have this!"
All smug and shyt.
Im like, it aint nothin for me to get online and order myself one. And a better one!
Ol Mondo Gecko lookin ass fukker.
Hot TopicWhere she get that mug?