I love how you skip over the hard philosophical truths in my posts so you can keep repeating the tired old... in that gay azz font
Grow up
Dyslexic and delusional is no way to live ill spell it out slowly
#1 CAUSE OF THAT BOYS DEATH..................................IS THAT BOY.....sad but true
So..The cops killed a white boy here who didnt put his gun down..do you get the pattern now mr GED
Fukk outta here..so anyone who doesnt agree with the crap coming out of your below average mind is automatically white..you answered the question dishonestly at best stupidly at worst...no cop in america will wait for you to fire first..doesnt matter what color you are

on two counts you dumb son of a bytch Im not white and he wasnt shot 11 times in the back
ive read he was hit in the front 4 times and the rest in the back..unlike you my IQ is over 60 so i can READ and THINK so i dont have to rely on twitter to tell me what i should believe

Twitter is for twits