And kofi’s hasn’t? He hasn’t had a memorable match or feud since he won the title. People going at his family and he coming out dancing throwing pancakes... his character needs to be more serious
Also wtf is going on with his chest?
Like I mentioned in another thread, he’s been the best booked face champion in ages, and has literally put on nothing but good to great matches starting from that original gauntlet all the way up to right now, with the only exception being the first Orton match. Sami, Joe, AJ, Bryan TWICE, Dolph, various tag matches, etc. He’s been booked as a smart champion throughout and the pancake stuff is a very minimal thing. Meanwhile AJ Styles has a good portion of his run where he flat out looked stupid, good matches aside. Ambrose has multiple bad matches and was a general goof. Do we even need to go into detail about the amount of times Rollins was smacked in the face by Stephanie, outsmarted by various heels, made to look like the girlfriend of his relationship with Becky, and just the other night showed cowering in a corner like a scared child??
Meanwhile “p p p pancakes
