Ring Of Honor aka Ring Of Flab

Miracle Violence

Animal Instinct
May 1, 2012
Nahhhh its all about PWG that LA GOAT wrestling, but I'm saying ROH fell off crazy.

PWG has taken a dip in quality this year because they've been using guys like Younger/Callihan on top. It's a definite step down from what they were doing from 2010-2012. Still my favorite American promotion, but it isn't completely blowing ROH away anymore like it had been the past few years.

ROH has actually improved a lot this year. They've done several shows that were better than just about anything from any major promotion outside of New Japan, and most of what was really wrong during the Cornette era has been corrected. The SCUM angle was garbage, but Delirious at least recognized it wasn't working and ended it after a few months.

The main problem with ROH is the awful production quality, but outside of the HDNet days that's always been an issue for them. Also there's a serious lack of variety on most of their cards, which can cause the shows to become boring. I watched All Star Extravaganza yesterday, and it had plenty of good matches, but many of them felt totally interchangeable.