You haven't posted a single fact. You never do. Your racism and bigotry blinds you to the facts. Blaming undocumented immigrants for rent hikes and high car insurance rates is a simplistic and misleading narrative that ignores the true drivers behind these issues. Housing costs are skyrocketing in metropolitan areas not because of immigrants, but due to supply shortages, restrictive zoning laws, and speculative real estate practices. Research consistently shows that rent increases stem primarily from a lack of affordable housing and profit-first investments, not from the presence of immigrant populations. Instead of trying to blame "the LEFT!!!!," you should be asking why housing policies that address these root issues aren't being fully supported by EVERYONE.
Further, the claim that undocumented immigrants are "driving around uninsured" and causing insurance rates to soar is another baseless claim. Uninsured drivers are, indeed, a problem, but they majorly include legal citizens who skip insurance for economic reasons (high premiums, etc) or just don't care, and not just undocumented immigrants. Studies show that when states permit immigrants to obtain a driver's licenses, both hit-and-run incidents and uninsured rates drop, which leads to lower overall costs for everyone. As far as car insurance premiums, they are far more influenced by factors like inflation, repair costs, and regional risk metrics than by undocumented drivers alone. This is another one of your narratives that scapegoats a single group rather than recognizing the real systemic issues at play.
Your whole M.O. is blaming undocumented immigrants for complex societal problems motivated by greed and selfishness instead of looking at the big picture. That won't make rent or car insurance more affordable. You know what would? Attacking the real problems with effective solutions that expand the housing supply and address economic pressures impacting ALL residents. But then your argument will shift to "why are those good-for-nothings getting something that I am not getting! Cut government spending!!!!!!"