I hope you know we don't all live in North America, or live in the same time zone.
You are probably sleep right now, while it is evening here, and also the weekend here is Friday and Saturday. Sunday in these parts is the start of the week.
Black or Arab?
I am going to be vague and coy with you, what kind of arab we are talking about, even here in the Peninsula, you have variation of different tribes, some major tribes and lesser tribes as i heard and understand.
This kind of Arab, You are probably thinking
Decrease King from Saudi Arabia
Or the Omani Ambassadors of the United States.
The definition of who is Arab changes from country to country, here in the Peninsula everything or where i am at now is base on your tribal affiiations. In other words their are people who live here that are not descendants of any of the tribes, hence not truly a Arab. Since i have a Coptic mother and a Ja'alinn father, therefore i don't have a vested interest in defining myself as a Arab, although my father was a practicing Muslim and a J'allin. Since you are into lookism. This is a vintage Sudanese photo taking in the 1950's my family resemble this, but this not my family. My family would be dead against posting photos of them without their permission on a website.
So i let you decide, since you are the race expert