I like rappers who are lyrical, OT is another lyrical dude
I am the protege to juice who wrote the eminem reviews and debut woth my own classic solo record. After getting awards as a group debut feature on bon n nip in XXL.
You not about to impress me posting white people who rap breh. Sohh stop.
I wrote the review that even allowed your kind to have a voice. Show some respect breh. You a guest in hiphop. even if it is your site.
I don't need to be shown no rappers breh.
If they were nice. They would get known murdering a venue routinely and locally.
that someone can set it at.
i do not play that internet link rapper shyt.
Tired of the eight mile lie rapper.
That only got somewhere because I was alive.
Not giving props to no plant rapper sir.
If you can not tell me what local venue.
they have made a draw for themselves locally actually freestyle'n on an advanced level. I do not want no links.
to no plants or eight mile lies. Moving forward.
Thank you.
You wasting your time and I will not be impressed.
Post some juice links or a review juice album thread. That is how you show and prove to me.
Talk about the best. Not the mediocre living off our Soundwave.
that is misappropriated beyond return.
I gave you a link to that deal.
Plus how you even get toe express yourself.
Pay it forward to us. Not slap mek in the face with eight mile lie no talents. Trying to parrot outdated juice rhymes unknowingly or knowingly.
Or someone on a label. Or affiliates Where ju created their said draw.
Art Barr