kinda seems to be ridley's style, but it certainly could be a generic big budget swords/sandal epic, thats definitely a pitfall all of these types of movies have to overcome. I hope for our sake it's a good film, because Ridley Scott is one of my favorite directors, and he isn't getting any younger, He already wasted time on Robin Hood and that trash The Counselorlooks great but it also looks like every other big budget sword/sandals epic that's come out in the last 10-15 years. be prepared for a lot of big speeches as hordes of people lunge at each other and engage in bloody combat.
i guess the studio felt that modern audiences wouldn't be interested in the traditional exodus story unless moses was depicted as some kind of super warrior who could kick everybody's ass?
we'll see. i'm in.
kinda seems to be ridley's style, but it certainly could be a generic big budget swords/sandal epic, thats definitely a pitfall all of these types of movies have to overcome. I hope for our sake it's a good film, because Ridley Scott is one of my favorite directors, and he isn't getting any younger, He already wasted time on Robin Hood and that trash The Counselor
that dracula movie is done by a first time director tho, i expected it to be garbagelol totally forgot about robin hood.
exactly bro, it's the same shyt over and over.
they're doin the same shyt with that dracula movie.
lol totally forgot about robin hood.
exactly bro, it's the same shyt over and over.
they're doin the same shyt with that dracula movie.
Hmm I think u just sold meHmmmmm idk if you remember in the begining of bram stroker's dracula he was fighting in the war before he became dracula, but the movie skipped way ahead after it. i think that dracula movie is gonna show the begining of it... it looks piff i might catch a matinee...