Folk the Facilitator ‏@DJFolk
RT @funkmasterflex: Jeezy and Rick Ross just had words backstage!! Pushing and shoving!!!
Folk the Facilitator ‏@DJFolk
Oh yeah I'm going out tonite now
JasFly ‏@JasFly
Alright, here's what happened: ross & Jeezy got into an actual shoving match in the parking lot. A man w/a gun was arrested. #HipHopAwards
JasFly ‏@JasFly
The building was temporarily shut down but is now reopened and Ross took the stage as planned. #HipHopAwards
JasFly ‏@JasFly
Not sure where Jeezy is. #HipHopAwards
JasFly ‏@JasFly
Supposedly the gunman fired shots but I'm not sure so I can't confirm right now. #HipHopAwards
JasFly ‏@JasFly
Shots have been fired. Just heard in the security walkie. We're in lock down again. They've held the Lighty tribute. #HipHopAwards
JasFly ‏@JasFly
The mood is ok. No one in the actual theater is aware of what's happened. The Lighty tribute is AMAZING. #HipHopAwards