White Christian Politicians are OK with Bibi murdering babies. What's the difference?Also nonsende, but at least they are not blowing innocent people up anymore. not to mention the honor killings.
White Christian Politicians are OK with Bibi murdering babies. What's the difference?Also nonsende, but at least they are not blowing innocent people up anymore. not to mention the honor killings.
The Trans-Saharan slave trade, also known as the Arab slave trade, was a slave trade in which slaves were mainly transported across the Sahara. Most were moved from sub-Saharan Africato North Africa to be sold to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations; a small percentage went the other direction.Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from sub-Saharan Africa to the Arab world range from 6-10 million, and the trans-Saharan trade routes conveyed a significant number of this total, with one estimate tallying around 7.2 million slaves crossing the Sahara from the mid-7th century until the 20th century when it was abolished. The Arabsmanaged and operated the trans-Saharan slave trade, although Berbers were also actively involved.[8] Alongside Black Africans, Turks, Iranians, Europeans and Berbers were among the people traded by the Arabs, with the trade being practised throughout the Arab world, primarily in Western Asia, North Africa, East Africa, and Europe.No religion has clean hands but Islam is still being used today to enslave and kill black people in 2024.
The only countries you can buy black slaves openly today are Muslim countries.
None of the owners were ever without their whips which were in constant use...no slave dares to be ill or unable to walk, but when the poor sufferer dies the master suspects there must have been "something wrong inside" and regrets not having liberally applied the usual remedy of burning the belly with a red hot iron" thus reconciling to themselves their cruel treatment of these unfortunate creatures.[56]
Christianity created stable, safe, moral, content societies. Religion is more than belief of something, it’s typically the bedrock of society. It’s why Black Americans were able to organize successful
Christianity isn't violent?Islam is violent garbage and the world would be a better place without itneg all you want but deep down you know is the absolute truth.
He’s not doing it to “pay the bills”. Dawkins has been flirting with this topic for awhile now.
What’s happening is he’s seeing the truth for what it is: Christianity created stable, safe, moral, content societies. Religion is more than belief of something, it’s typically the bedrock of society. It’s why Black Americans were able to organize successful movements during the most hostile years in the country: we went to church, we built our community AROUND church, our standards came from the church. That’s when everyone walked around with their head high and with dignity.
Dawkins always wanted to push against the “God” aspect in religion, not realizing that it’s far more than that. Everyone believes in something will ALWAYS believe in something. Christianity created order, unity and peace of mind for the members of the community that practiced.
He wanted to destroy that because “God” is offensive to him. Now he got his wish, less people believe in the Christian God and therefore allowed Islam to rise and spread rapidly. He’s seeing what we are all seeing, though many scared to admit: Islam creates hostility, anti-women tropes, and increase violence. Islam followers are known for their “backwards” interpretation and implantation of their ideologies.
Dawkins sees this is reminisces on the benefits he got by living in a Christian society.
Wrong. Even if equate prison labor with slavery, still wrong.America has the most slaves in the world, they just hide them in the prison system. I wonder what group of men the prison system focuses on the most?
America has the most slaves in the world?America has the most slaves in the world, they just hide them in the prison system. I wonder what group of men the prison system focuses on the most?
America has the most slaves in the world?
Where did you go to high school? Stop disgracing your HS teacher with that statement.
This one believes the Hapsburgs and all medieval monarchies were Black and other goofy shyt like gothic architecture being alien technology we can’t replicate today. I doubt he graduated any school.America has the most slaves in the world?
Where did you go to high school? Stop disgracing your HS teacher with that statement.
What the fukk does the basis of the religion have to do with it nobody gets along this planet.
Sunnis and Shias can't even get along. Forget about the rest of us kaffirs
It was you who made the claim Islam is a peaceful religion. We have evidence for years proving otherwise. Your sects can't even get along and they are supposed to be Muslim.What the fukk does the religion nobody gets along this planet.
It is it's not a claim there billion Muslims on earth they all fukked up right because you listen to American propaganda.It was you who made the claim Islam is a peaceful religion. We have evidence for years proving otherwise. Your sects can't even get along and they are supposed to be Muslim.
Who made the claim that all Muslims are terrorists? You are creating a strawman.It is it's not a claim there billion Muslims on earth they all fukked up right because you listen to American propaganda.
It’s the same playbook every time and they still can’t see it. Ex: Support Sadam Hussein into power, when he doesn’t play ball anymore(or isn’t useful), take him out.. Regan supporting drug cartels in South America while on the other hand starting the “war on Drugs” in America. America often supports/creates the boogeyman before telling them that they should be scared of the boogeyman and they fall for it everytimeIt's very funny.
They will blame "Islam" for the world's conflicts not realizing that America funded the mujahadeen in Afghanistan and the Al Qaeda off-shoot Al Nusra in Syria.
We'll soon find out how America's proxies like the UAE are funding ISIS-K, which killed dozens in Moscow a few weeks ago
And let's not even discuss Saudi Arabia
He’s a p*ssy Jew who runs from threads when you hit him with facts
@Supa cat your boy wilding in this thread
Same dude who’s happy to see children murdered in Gaza by zionists