Breh, maybe I didn't make myself clear.
FOR ME, any form of paedophilia is wrong. That's obvious, and not even the subject of this thread.
NOW, IF AN ACTUAL VICTIM (which I am not) says that what HE has suffered of is "mild", who am I to argue with that? Why do you want to convince HIM that what HE suffered is worse than the way HE feels about it? People have their own copping systems, and given his career you can hardly argue that dude has been crippled for life by what happened to him. Hell, he might know other boys in the same school who had it worse than him, and maybe he's saying that what happened to HIM isn't as bad as what happened to those other boys.
Again, it's baffling to me that you feel the need to tell a victim that the way he sees his ordeal is "wrong". Dude isn't 12 years old, he's had time to think about it. Dude's doing lectures all over the world but yeah, I guess you know him better than he does lol