The newly released episode is titled 'the end of obesity' and was released this week just as it was revealed what weight loss drug Scott Disick is on .
The doctor feels bad for Eric and tells him: 'I’m going to write you a prescription for Lizzo. She’s a really good singer who talks about body positivity, and just being happy with the way you look.
'I want you to listen to Lizzo five times a day, and watch her videos just before bedtime. I’m afraid you’ll have to be on Lizzo for the rest of your life.'
Ever since Lizzo became a household name, she pushed the message of body positivity by her public appearances, social media posts, music, and
launching inclusive athleticwear brand Yitty with Fabletics.
However, later in the episode Cartman declares: 'Rich people get Ozempic, poor people get body positivity.'