Sloppy ship 

I wonder who the first wrestler will be to bring up Ric's death in an angle with Charlotte.
You know they're cashing in on that no longer than six weeks after he's dead.
Ric is immune to that shyt. Only aids or a heart attack could get him at this point
Yea, I try to be sympathetic but I really don't give af about that racist fukker. If he dies, he dies.Honestly if Flair dies he deserves it. How reckless is this idiot to be showing up these shows like this?
At the title of this thread, this sicko Vince making him roam around in like it's all good.
think Vince likes flair.
past needing to pouch flair for a narrative.
or give his fed convincability it sorely lacked.
art barr
Ric is probably worth more dead than alive, he knows what he's doing then.
The New York Post had something of a "gotcha" article on WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair today, noting that he was seen without wearing a mask while buying coffee at a Georgia Starbucks despite the fact his wife Wendy, the former Fifi the Maid in WCW, is stricken with COVID-19.
The article also stated that their source claimed Flair was also positive with COVID-19, but Flair denied that was the case.
That is absolutely incorrect,” Flair told The Post. “My wife does [have the virus]… we live in a 5,000 square foot home. I live in the basement. She lives upstairs on the third floor and she got sick.”
The article noted that when asked about not wearing the mask, Flair hung up but later texted that his health was excellent.
Flair worked the last set of WWE TV tapings several weeks ago. The Post noted that WWE did not return a request for comment.
Here we go
Here we go