The fact I can’t remember a load of them says it all
Mania 16 fatal 4 way - passable, Backlash is how it should have gone
Mania 17 vs Taker - dope
Mania 18 vs Jericho - fine, but shyt buildup, shouldn’t have closed and suffered from being after Rock/Hogan
Mania 19 vs Booker - disgusting finish
Mania 20 triple threat - piff
Mania 21 vs Batista - decent
Mania 22 vs Cena - great
I literally have no idea who he faced at 24 and 25, maybe Orton?
Mania 26(?) vs Sheamus - average
Mania 27 - no idea
Mania 28(?) vs Taker in Hell in a Cell - dope
Mania 29 - no idea
Mania 30 vs Bryan - dope
Mania 31(?) vs Sting - trash
No idea about Mania 32 and 33
Mania 34 - tag match against Kurt and Ronda Rousey - great match and had no right to be as good as it was
24 was the triple threat with Cena and Orton. I might be biased because I started watching wrestling a few months after, but the match was genuinely good. Orton punting Triple H in the head while he was covering Cena was a great finish.
25 was one-on-one with Orton. That match was

and it was a shame because the buildup was fantastic. They made it so that Triple H would lose the title if he gets disqualified, which didn't make sense because that feud was personal and needed a gimmick match like Hell in a Cell. And Triple H won when Orton was white hot and doing the best work of his career. It also doesn't help that Undertaker/Michaels overshadowed it.
27 was against Undertaker, no holds barred. It was at least a good match, and the story was told that Undertaker won, but he almost killed himself to make it happen.
29 was against Lesnar. I've actually never sat down to watch this match and I don't plan to. All I remember is the dry ice from Triple H's entrance burning him and Lesnar screaming becoming a meme.
32 was against Reigns and 33 was against Rollins. The Reigns match was horrible, one of the WOAT WrestleMania main events. The Rollins match was okay, but you can tell the feud was supposed to be a big deal and it just wasn't. Plus, it had stupid shyt like Rollins having a fukked up knee and still hitting his usual moves. The one good thing to come out of this match was the "Am I Savage?" promo.
35 was against Batista. Storyline didn't make sense and the match was

because it went a half hour. Should have only been ten minutes.
So, out of all the matches I named, only two of them are worth watching.