RFK: "If You Don't Have A House You Can't Participate In The American Dream"


Nov 20, 2013
biden is literally wandering about like a demented escapee from a nursery home, yet you’re trying to paint this guy as a schizophrenic.

make it make sense.

You really don’t know who you’re conversing with on these sites, their professions or their ability to “touch” you. I want you and the other agents here to remember this while yall continue engaging in your concerted efforts to intimidate, disenfranchise, and spread disinformation to black voters. Yall white boys may think this is funny now but there are eyes on yall here unrelated to this site that will eventually come to collect its pound of flesh backed by the full brunt of the law.:skip:
Oct 22, 2017
You really don’t know who you’re conversing with on these sites, their professions or their ability to “touch” you. I want you and the other agents here to remember this while yall continue engaging in your concerted efforts to intimidate, disenfranchise, and spread disinformation to black voters. Yall white boys may think this is funny now but there are eyes on yall here unrelated to this site that will eventually come to collect its pound of flesh backed by the full brunt of the law.:skip:

Yooo, did you really just threaten to get me charged with election interference??


Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
When will these politicians address the elephant in the room ?

Corporations have to be limited. They can not wield all this power financially and politically.

Til then, they (politicians) arent serious people.
They have to crash so we can restart. They've embedded themselves in everything. They're in your pension funds, they're in your ETFs and mutual funds. The people supposed to be regulating them become members of their boards and have investments directly in them. Politicians regulating them in any serious way is them acting against their own personal interests.

Elon musk has just opened the door to the next recession. He's set a precedent that he as an individual should be paid more than all the employees of "his" company several times over. You think other CEOs from companies with higher market caps aren't going to think "hey if that idiot that doesn't do anything other than bullshyt online can get 56B, why the fukk can't I?"

This is happening in the context where people are having less children, and having less income which will lead to less spending. Companies have a shrinking labor pool, but they need to gin up hate against immigrants to get people to vote for the party (republicans) who will make sure they shut down even the tiniest bit of theatrical regulation.

A shrinking labor pool(people too broke to afford children who will replace them in the workforce)+ a shrinking customer base+ballooning management salary= death for a business.

You're going to see smaller companies get bought up and hollowed out by bigger ones whose management class will suck them dry with bigger and bigger demands for payment. Eventually a massive Titan will be too in debt(lets take apple as an example) but no other companies can buy them. They'll ask for a bailout, but there won't be enough tax revenue to make that happen. Why? Because of the shrunken labor pool, and the underpaid workers who would rather spend money on shyt they need to survive.

This will mean one of three things:
1. Government will nationalize or take a controlling interest in the failing companies to save the economy.
2. They'll let the companies fall and let foreign countries buy them to keep them alive.
3. They'll continue to live in denial, unemployment will hit double digits, and people will overthrow what is clearly a failed government that was bought out by businesses who have now failed themselves.