Do you think America is the true place of holiness @Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson ?
dey shood go back to messico. dere r plenty uh poor whie amuricans who cant get fast food jobs becuh uh afurmatib atshun.
amurica is gods chosen land. it was a lot bedder in da antibellum days dough...espeshally in da souf. dere wuz a lot less crime den.Do you think America is the true place of holiness @Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson ?
amurica is gods chosen land. it was a lot bedder in da antibellum days dough...espeshally in da souf. dere wuz a lot less crime den.
i rub burnt cork on my face befour i do my radio show.Why do you look like you're in black face?![]()
i rub burnt cork on my face befour i do my radio show.
i am tryna keep amuricas fine tradishons befour da tyrans uh politikal curretness took over alive.
da bible says dat god made man in his imidge. so da orijinal man has to be da whie man becuh whieness is nets to godlyness.Who is the Original Man?
a thug.Who is the Colored Man?
He's half rightda bible says dat god made man in his imidge. so da orijinal man has to be da whie man becuh whieness is nets to godlyness.
a thug.