Grand Conde
Think I fukked up. Didn't get the shotgun but now Daddy Baker is prowling the main hall.
Missed a load of stuff in that area and now I have to go through the basement.

Nah you're good. I thought the same thing. You can take out the molded with a knife though. Don't worry. Just block their attacks and you'll be fine. You'll get a bunch more ammo soon. I made it through the entire house without the shotgun. It wasn't until I was walking out that I finally got the shotgun.Think I fukked up. Didn't get the shotgun but now Daddy Baker is prowling the main hall.Missed a load of stuff in that area and now I have to go through the basement.
Absolutely.Gotcha. Going to make a run for the shotty anyway, as I found the key.
This game is classic resident evil, particularly in the level design.
This shyt looks like hot trash
I believe it's optional but IMO it's very important. Don't skip it.Yeah but I ran out of bullets quickly when I only had the handgun. You pull the molded back too far and they randomly disappear (dunno if this resets their health as well). And the knife takes forever to kill them.
Didn't watch the Mia video either. That optional or important?
......DAI stan tho?
Be a DAI stan and call other far superior games 'hot trash' brehs.
If you didn't stream it, it didn't happen - MowgliFinal score 8.4
Last 2 stages and final boss were pure ass
Yea they had to be rushed because the atmosphere and life in the stages after the house got worse then flabby.Nah @Mowgli is right when you are in the house is RE 1 but when you leave the area it becomes more like the later RE games, the final boss was too simple, the other boss fights took some strategy but the final boss you can wipe out real quick as fast as you can tap the button, Capcom went all out with the house setting and got lazy when you leave.