man i am late as hell but i FINALLY got to play this on my OWN computer. upgraded my GPU last week! im still couch-bound and using a crutch but this is helping pass the time nicely
only problem is... i am AWFUL at these new controls, lol. i wish you could customize them more. holding L2 and pressing R2 to shoot is kind of weird... so used to holding R2 and pressing X or A. i only installed it yesterday but im slowly getting better.
i will say this remake is a LOT more difficult than the OG gamecube version. graphically its beautiful (make sure you enable corpse physics and limb/extremities.
ill admit i copped the -EMPRESS release (if you know you know) but i might actually pay for this on Steam and get the DLC. its dope
i miss that one Ganado model that looked like Grady from Sanford and son, though