Research stating Ancient Egyptians had more European DNA than African..


Feb 21, 2015
First, this is old news and was already dispelled. I’ll find the article I read that raised issues with their extrapolation techniques. Something to the effect that out of the 151 mummies, they were only really able to extract complete DNA from 2 of them.

And secondly, I wouldn’t trust anything that is coming from a German scientist or affiliated with a German University.


May 6, 2012
Misleading and false conclusions.

Here is it debunked.

The Egyptian DNA case : truth and lies

On May 31st 2017, all the media of the Western world announced that the DNA of 90 Egyptian mummies has just been finally deciphered. They all seem to be of Middle Eastern and European origin. The information goes around the world, delights the supporters of a white Egypt and shakes the Africans and the African diaspora, who had already taken ownership of this civilization. We have got into possession thisstudy and we will demonstrate here that it is dishonest from the beginning to the end, and that the Egyptian civilization belongs – if proof still needed – strictly to the Black African world.


Queen Ndjemt, daughter of Pharaoh Ramesu Kha-m-Waset (Ramesses XI) and wife of pharaoh-priest Heri Horo. Her father was one of the last pharaohs of the great indigenous Egyptian dynasties, around 1070 BC. As you can see, she was undoubtedly African. Most likely her hair had been involuntarily straightened during the mummification process, as we have shown here.

How to determine which people are at the origin of a civilization?

The choice of sites

Imagine today that the French civilization has disappeared and that in 2000 years we try to determine which people were at its origin. The first thing we should do is to consult the documents of the time period to find out what were the important places of this ancient territory. Then we would realize that the greatest people of France were buried in royal tombs in the Parisian Region and also at the Panthéon in Paris. After excavating the remains it would be easy to determine that the French civilization was the work of the white people.

If, on the other hand, one were to go to Marseilles in the south, so many Berbers and Arabs would be found in the cemeteries, and one would falsely conclude that France was the work of the Berbers and the Arabs. It is the same with the American civilization today. You would have to go to the Arlington Cemetery in Virginia and not to any cemetery in Miami filled with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans etc…

The choice of the Time Period

In the same way, the historical documents would show that there was an influx of Arabs and Berbers in the city of Marseilles during the middle of the 20th century. If we insist on knowing who were the founders of the city, the older remains, those of the lower antiquity in particular, would be indicative.

Therefore, in order to determine the people at the origin of a civilization, everything we should begin with the historical documentation, in order to know which sites to search and what time period to take into account.

What do the Egyptian historical documents say?

They say this :

  • 4000 BC: birth, between Sudan and southern Egypt, of the very first dynasty; which will eventually conquer the whole north around 3300 BC.
  • From 3300 BC to 1730 BC ruled only these dynasties originating from southern Egypt and Sudan.
  • Between 1730 BC and 1540 BC, a dynasty of invaders, called Hyksos, probably white, conquered the north of Egypt. The indigenous kings withdrew to their original bastion, the south.
  • Between 1540 BC and 1070 BC, the indigenous dynasties conquered the north and ruled over the whole kingdom again.
  • Between 1070 BC and 663 BC, black Libyans associated with Whites ruled over the north, the indigenous authority retreating, once again, to the south. Then the Sudanese came and ruled over the whole territory.
  • Between 663 BC and 332 BC, a chaotic succession of white Persian invaders and Egyptians ruled the country.
  • From 332 BC to 641 AD, the Greeks and the Romans, who entered by the north, dominated.
  • And from 641 AD to the present day we have an Arab domination, with Turkish and British intervals.
What does that mean? It means that if we want to accurately genetically determine who the ancient Egyptians were, we should take the remains of the Kings from the south, at the Valley of the Kings, in Luxor. And top priority should be given to the remains that dated between 4000 BC and 1730 BC and those dated between 1540 BC and 1070 BC. This has already been done.

What do the previous genetic researches say about the ancient Egyptians?

The main study dates from 2012 and was conducted by the US laboratory DNA Tribes. It dealt with three of the most famous Pharaohs: Amenhotep III, Tutankhamen and another Pharaoh, whose identity is uncertain. It should be Smenkaré or Akhenaten. Moreover the maternal grandparents of Akhenaton, the influential priests Yuya and Tuya have been included in the study. These kings ruled around 1400 BC, so in the reliable period. The result is unquestionable: they come from Africa, south of Sahara.


DNA Tribes Results : Index of genetic compatibility of 326 with Southern Africa, 323 with Great Lakes and 83 with Central Africa and West Africa. This study is the absolute reference in genetics to ancient Egyptians. For comparison, the Semitic whites, European or Berbers are between 3 and 7 of compatibility.
In addition to that, in 2012 a study conducted by Zahi Hawass and al. published in the BMJ showed that the pharaoh Ramesu Hekayunu (Ramesses III) – who ruled around 1200 BC, carries the E1b1a gene, which is an African gene. This gene is quasi-specific to populations of Africa south of Sahara and to Africans in the Americas. It is maximal among Angolans for example. The Westerners have remained silent on these two studies, which contrasts with today’s media hustle and bustle. They pretend that the present study is the first.

In 2013, DNA Tribes went further with the DNA of Ramesu Hekayunu (Ramses III) and his son Pentawret. The results are similar : they are related to the peoples of the Great Lakes, Southern Africa, Central Africa/West Africa, and the horn of Africa.



On the left Tutankhamen and his wife Queen Ankh-Sen-Imana, daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti ; On the right the great pharaoh Imanahotep Hekawaset (Amenhotep III), father of Akhenaten.

Pharaoh Ramesu Hekayunu (Ramesses III) at the left
Pharaoh Akhenaten with his African features at the right
What has actually done the study that makes so much noise today?

The study by Johannes Krause of the Max Planck Institute in Germany pre-selected 91 mummies found in one (1) cemetery in northern Egypt. It is a single site. Was Professor Johannes Krause afraid to fetch the Egyptians in the South, where they are crowded?


Here is, in north of Egypt, the place where the mummies of Johannes Krause come from. This image comes from his own paper. Look far at the bottom right, it is Luxor, where the Pharaohs are buried. Even when the pharaoh died to the north, his body was taken to the south, just as today, people still prefer to be buried in their villages. The Egyptians knew perfectly well that they came from the south.
But that’s not all. Of these 91 mummies, how many are dated in the time periods we are interested in (4000-1730, 1540-1070)? Well! simple answer: 4. 4 mummies out of the 91 selected date from the great periods of ruling by native Egyptians. Only 4 mummies date from the time period before 1070 BC. All the others are recent. And how many of these 91 date from the domination of the Greek and Roman whites? 48!i.e most of them. This sample is then invalid and cannot determine the origin of the ancient Egyptians. Should we continue our critic of this study? We can stop here. But let’s be kind and continue.

Of the 91 mummies how many were actually genetically analyzed to determine who the ancient Egyptians were? Get this : 3. Johannes Krause begins by saying: “Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies”. The study that makes so much noise all over the world today and which is supposed to have determined who the Egyptians were is based on only 3 mummies. 3 !!!!!!

Of these 3 mummies, how many date from the great ruling by the native Egyptians? Simple answer: 0. The mummy JK2134 dates from between 776 BC and 669 BC, the mummy JK2911 dates from 769-560 BC. The mummy JK2888 dates from 97-2 BC. All these mummies date from the time when Egypt in the north was dominated by white foreigners or had a large white immigrant population. These mummies cannot, in any way, be representative of the people or the kings of ancient Egypt.


This is a summary image of the study in question. 3 mummies!
In short the mummies supposed to say that the Egyptians were white:

  • Come from a single and irrelevant site.
  • Were taken in the north of Egypt which was repeatedly under the rule of white foreigners and partly populated by white immigrants.
  • Are only 3, which is ridiculously small.
  • Do not date, for any of them, from the ruling of the great indigenous Egyptians.
  • All of them date from the late period, that is a period of decline and occupation, where the whites had infiltrated from the north.
This sample has therefore zero value. And there’s no point in continuing to discuss it. So do the Westerners want to pride themselves on the fact that they found 3 whites out of 10 million ancient Egyptians? They can have those them. We are not stingy. According to their heretical logic, in 2000 years Jamaicans will be found in the British tombs and it will then be concluded that Queen Elizabeth II and the English were black. In 2000 years, Indian people will be found in the Tanzanian tombs. It will also be concluded that Julius Nyerere and the Tanzanians were Indian.

Moreover, the University of Tübingen, in Germany, to which is attached Mr Krause, has been talked about recently. They pretended that a European monkey with premolars tied is the first hominid in the world, meaning that humanity was not born in Africa. We are therefore dealing here with racist ideologists.

The West really thought we were going to stop at the sensational title of this study and not go deep into it. This is terrible misjudgment of the new African generation Cheikh Anta Diop has created. We want to say that nothing and no one will ever put us back in the mental condition of eternal slave again. With science, we will have no concession and no pity, with those who dare to put themselves through our indestructible bond with our glorious ancestors. Our determination is total.

Black Africans are the civilizers of humanity and they will never come down from this historic pedestal anymore. They invented civilization, in Africa, and introduced it toAsia, America and Europe. Everyone will learn to get back to his place in history. It is with this new pride, this infinite confidence in our capacities, that we will rebuild Africa.

That being said, considering the shock wave this study has created in the black communities, we believe that the maximum number of Africans must acquire solid scientific knowledge in order to be able to decipher the lies contained in the scientific literature. But above all it is also urgent that we control our media space in order to make our voice heard; it is the voice of truth.

Life, Health and Strength to the Energies of Our Ancestors!
The Egyptian DNA case : truth and lies

Trick Love Da Kids!
Jun 10, 2012
They're still trying this shyt :snoop:

No matter how Black our ancestors are that they pull out of the sarcophagus, no matter how kinky their hair is, and no matter how many relics of Black culture they find (hair curling irons, kinky wigs, and hair picks, etc) they're still gonna try to lay claim that Egypt was white. No! No! No! No!

Gothboi J

All Star
Jan 26, 2018
Ancient Egyptians referred to the land of punt as their motherland (Ancient city in Ethiopia) and southern Egypt is home to the first dynasties. The Greeks, Romans and other euros acknowledged that the egyptians were noticeable darker than them. Egyptians culture is most closely tied to the sudanese. Anyone that think modern Egyptians are even close in appearance to ancient Egyptians are flat out denying facts.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
@Diasporan Royalty Can you fact check this real quick? Was it at the moment were Ancient Egypt already changed or nah?

Plus were the mummies for upper Egypt or nah

This is OLD breh... WSH just getting this study after MONTHS.

Yall need to read this recent one.

Which challanges that 2017 study. This is King Tut being R1b all over again.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Ancient Egyptians referred to the land of punt as their motherland (Ancient city in Ethiopia) and southern Egypt is home to the first dynasties. The Greeks, Romans and other euros acknowledged that the egyptians were noticeable darker than them. Egyptians culture is most closely tied to the sudanese. Anyone that think modern Egyptians are even close in appearance to ancient Egyptians are flat out denying facts.
I mean when the first historian ever, the greek Herodotus, who directly met Ancient Egyptians, says that they were identical to Africans, to the point he theorized they were a Nubian colony, it's pretty much a wrap at this point.

But white people are resourceful when it comes to juelzing. I even read claim Nubians and Ethiopians as white.


All Star
Oct 31, 2017
Those "research" papers are all bogus. When they actually check the DNA of Egyptian citizens with Egyptian names before the Assyrians and other Asiatics came, the results always comeback as African.

Pharaoh Ramses III

E1b1a/M2 :YDNA: Revisiting the Harem Conspiracy and Death of Pharoah Ramesses III: Anthropological, Forensic, Radiological, and Genetic Study.

Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1⇓); using the Whit Athey’s haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a. (E1b1a is the DNA of black Africans)

The DNA of two Egyptian aristocrats from before the Asiatic invasions. Their names were Nakt-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht

The kinship of two 12th Dynasty mummies revealed by ancient DNA sequencing (Drosou et al 2017).pdf
Both mummies belong to mt haplotype M1a1, suggesting a maternal relationship.... Y DNA sequences showed variations, indicating that the mummies had different fathers..The SNP identities were consistent with mtDNA haplogroup M1a1 with 88.05–91.27% degree of confidence, thus confirming the African origins of the two individuals."

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
Ethiopians and Somalis share more genetic markers with Arabs than with Nigerians :yeshrug:

Doesn't mean they aren't still Black Africans.

We gotta get over this fantasy that Ancient Egyptians were some super dark skin chocolate overlords tho. They were most likely a group of Black people with extremely varying skin tones due to immigration and conquest. Yall aint tryna hear that tho cuz White historians have convinced most people rhat West African cultures werent on point, which is an outright lie

Trick Love Da Kids!
Jun 10, 2012
Ancient Egyptians referred to the land of punt as their motherland (Ancient city in Ethiopia) and southern Egypt is home to the first dynasties. The Greeks, Romans and other euros acknowledged that the egyptians were noticeable darker than them. Egyptians culture is most closely tied to the sudanese. Anyone that think modern Egyptians are even close in appearance to ancient Egyptians are flat out denying facts.

Don't forget the Nubians are still in Egypt. People just confuse and compare the Arab invaders with the original inhabitants.