Do your googles. Cliff Notes version:
She was a black Panther back in the day. Black Panthers were a group of blacks out of Oakland (only city gullier than Chicago since way back

) trying to rebuild the black community through education, self-esteem, and self-defense. The powers that be at the time (we talking Hoover, CIA, and the FBI) branded them a radical communist group and sicked the COINTELPRO dogs on them, basically they were all marked, Most of the original Panthers, including guys like Huey Newton, Mutulu Shakur, Fred Hampton, etc were either murdered or in jail on some charge doing football numbers. Assata, the G that she was, wasn't so easy to take out. Some cop pulled up on her in Jersey, tried to blast her, but she won the gunfight (RIP to the cop). They caught up with her anyway, and you know back then a black murdering a cop is an open/shut case, no investigation into the details.
She gets put in jail like the rest of the Panthers, but then manages to break out. On top of that, she finds her way to get smuggled into Cuba! Truly some James Bond sh*t. USA had already got murked with the Bay of Pigs sh*t, so they weren't about to do that again for one female, but obviously they been holdin' that grudge, they don't like it when n*ggers win, just look at how they did OJ. So they slapped her with the terrorist label so that she couldn't go to a country with an extradition treaty, basically keeping her in Cuba. It seems like all these years they been keepin' tabs on her

I wonder if they had the case reinvestigated with a similar zeal to make sure it wasn't self-defense