It's proportional by population, but the way the districts are drawn in some states it would give the GOP the advantage. Under some scenarios Obama would have gotten less EC votes than Romney in VA,MI, OH and maybe PA even though he won the popular vote in all those states.
I think the fairest system would be to abolish the EC system altogether. But it's just speaks volumes about the GOP motivations of why they are choosing to do this now.
Edit: Some of the states named above would award 1 electoral vote to each district with the winner getting an additional 2 votes.
Ok so to make sure i understand...
State XYZ with 10 electoral votes with 3 districts, where the EC vote is split up across the districts as follows: D1: 7 votes, D2:1 Vote, D3: 2 votes.
Breakdown by district of popular vote winner
D1 - Democrat
D2 - Republican
D3 - Republican
Under the current system:
Popular vote of the state went to the democrat, so he get's all votes right (10)?
New system:
D1 - 7 votes go to the democrat
D2 - 1 votes go to republican
D3 - 2 votes go to a republican
That's how it works right? If so doesn't that grant the greater representation of the will of the people short of strictly going off the popular vote total?