Riggleman is an Air Force veteran and the owner of a distillery in Virginia and said that his national security background was actually helpful in his inquisitive research on the subject of Bigfoot. Prior to this upcoming book, he also co-authored a short story in 2006 called “Bigfoot Exterminators Inc: The Partially Cautionary, Mostly True Tale of Monster Hunt 2006.” In the short epic, written with Don Barone, a former writer for ESPN, there are passages including the narrator touching “Bigfoot Balls” with a walking stick; Denver getting an “ass massage;” a reference to baiting Bigfoot with “menstrual blood;” and an assertion that “Bigfoots like sex too.”
I can sense him writing some shyt like
As Bigfoot stomped through the fall wilderness, the crackling of dry leaves heightened his sexual senses, which produced an erection that tripped an unsuspecting deer galloping by
Who ever thinks of shyt like this is SICK
Republican Candidate Exposed for Writing Bigfoot Erotica
And brehs really think their votes don't matter. :bpfacepalm:
I can sense him writing some shyt like
As Bigfoot stomped through the fall wilderness, the crackling of dry leaves heightened his sexual senses, which produced an erection that tripped an unsuspecting deer galloping by
Who ever thinks of shyt like this is SICK