Piff Perkins
You're indirectly proving my point
The post I replied to talked about how the 50s and 60s was a "Magical place" because of the 91% tax rate, which it wasn't. And you are agreeing with me that it wasn't lol
None of what you posted even refutes what I said. Instead you are making excuses for why the economy wasn't doing good. If 91% tax rate was the magic bullet that would help the economy, how come it didn't magically fix America? Exactly my point. Higher Taxes =/= a better economy
And you made my point again in the bolded. America benefited from other countries still suffering from WW2 decay. When the 60s and 70s rolled around and there was more competition, America fell flat on their face because they underestimated the other countries in the world re-birthing their economies so quickly
Let's look at another president who lowered Taxes, President Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929
Budget and Tax Lessons from President Calvin Coolidge
"During the 1920s President Warren G. Harding and President Coolidge made “economy in government” a centerpiece of their administrations. Economy in government meant a balanced budget, tax rates that were low and reasonable, and paying down the national debt.
As a result of Coolidge’s budget and tax polices it unleashed a period of economic growth and expansion. It also resulted in low unemployment and an increase in the standard of living for the middle-class. Under Coolidge the federal budget fell went to $3 billion in 1928 from over $5 billion in 1921.[xii] The Coolidge tax cuts also lowered tax rates and helped the business expansion which occurred during the 1920s."
You can't be serious. What happened immediately after Coolidge did that breh? The Great fukking Depression.
You're cherry picking. Two of the recessions you mentioned were war related and clearly shouldn't count in this discussion. Another was extremely brief. And the 1960/1961 recession was followed by the largest period of economic expansion in US history. You bring up competition with other nations post-WWII as if Europe's tax rates weren't high. The UK lower and middle class have been paying high purchase/VAT taxes since 1940. Contrast that to our taxes on those classes back then, plus the lack of a national sales tax.
I don't want the top rate to be 91%. But I do think the highest income rate should be higher. At the very least it should return to 39-40%, ie the pre-Trump rate for top earners.
You have yet to demonstrate high tax rates hurting the US economy during the period of time that catapulted the US to the pre-eminent economy and nation on earth. The greatest expansion of the middle class, until China. A steadily rising GDP.