Reparations for slavery was spent on The military industrial complex


Jul 22, 2014
The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first atomic bombs during World War II. It was led by theUnited States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory that designed the actual bombs. The Army component of the project was designated the Manhattan District; "Manhattan" gradually superseded the official codename, Development of Substitute Materials, for the entire project. Along the way, the project absorbed its earlier British counterpart, Tube Alloys. The Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion (about $26 billion in 2014[1] dollars). Over 90% of the cost was for building factories and producing the fissile materials, with less than 10% for development and production of the weapons. Research and production took place at more than 30 sites across the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.

Two types of atomic bomb were developed during the war. A relatively simple gun-type fission weapon was made using uranium-235, an isotopethat makes up only 0.7 percent of natural uranium. Since it is chemically identical to the most common isotope, uranium-238, and has almost the same mass, it proved difficult to separate. Three methods were employed for uranium enrichment: electromagnetic, gaseous and thermal. Most of this work was performed at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In parallel with the work on uranium was an effort to produce plutonium. Reactors were constructed at Oak Ridge and Hanford, Washington, in which uranium was irradiated andtransmuted into plutonium. The plutonium was then chemically separated from the uranium. The gun-type design proved impractical to use with plutonium so a more complex implosion-type weapon was developed in a concerted design and construction effort at the project's principal research and design laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

The project was also charged with gathering intelligence on the German nuclear energy project. Through Operation Alsos, Manhattan Project personnel served in Europe, sometimes behind enemy lines, where they gathered nuclear materials and documents, and rounded up German scientists.

The first nuclear device ever detonated was an implosion-type bomb at theTrinity test, conducted at New Mexico's Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range on 16 July 1945. Little Boy, a gun-type weapon, and Fat Man, an implosion-type weapon, were used in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. In the immediate postwar years, the Manhattan Project conducted weapons testing at Bikini Atoll as part of Operation Crossroads, developed new weapons, promoted the development of the network of national laboratories, supported medical research into radiologyand laid the foundations for the nuclear navy. It maintained control over American atomic weapons research and production until the formation of the United States Atomic Energy Commission in January 1947.

The Manhattan Project operated under a blanket of tight security, but Sovietatomic spies still penetrated the program.



Jul 22, 2014
Obama preparing executive order on police militarization

Washington (CNN)
-- President Barack Obama, responding to concerns over the use of military-style equipment during protests in Ferguson, Missouri over the summer, is asking aides to prepare an executive order that would better track the weapons and gear flowing from the federal government to local police departments around the nation.

The order, which he's expected to preview Monday afternoon during a meeting with law enforcement and local government officials, would mandate federal agencies review the way they provide U.S. police with heavy equipment like tanks and aircraft.

A report issued by the White House found the vast majority of material coming from the Department of Defense to police departments wasn't military-style: it included office supplies, furniture and tents.

But 4% of the Pentagon's output to police departments is military grade, including 92,442 small arms, 5,235 Humvees, 617 mine resistant vehicles and 616 aircraft.

Other agencies, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security, also provide police with equipment and funds.

The executive action, which was described by White House officials ahead of Obama's announcement, is the conclusion of a review process Obama launched in August following the heavily armed response to protesters in Ferguson. Images of tear-gassed filled streets patrolled by police in tanks sparked concern that local departments were treating citizens like enemy combatants.

Officials said following the reviews, agencies could require better tracking of the equipment that ends up with police, require training for officers, and mandate reviews following "significant" incidents in which the equipment is used.

But officials said the president wouldn't tamp down on the flow of equipment from the Pentagon to police departments since the bulk of the gear isn't military grade.

Instead, they said Obama would convene a task force on policing, focused on combating crime while building public trust in local law enforcement agencies. Charles Ramsey, the police commissioner of Philadelphia, will head the panel.

The White House will also ask for $263 million to provide police departments with body cameras, which advocates say would provide a clearer picture of confrontations like the incident in Ferguson, in which a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teenager. The funds would also go toward training.


May 1, 2012
I think you mean the white man. The military industrial complex is run by human beings that breath air, and they are white. Lets just call it what it is. White boys.


All Star
Dec 9, 2012
Holy Roman Empire 814:Charles I, King of the Franks or Charlemagne was crowned the first holy roman emperor on December 25, 800.He conquered most of Europe and converted all lands to Roman Catholicism through force if necessary.The conquest of Spain eventually pushed the Islamic Moors out of Europe.The Roman Catholics dominated Europe for the next 700 years until the protestant reformation caused several nations to split with the Holy Roman Empire.The empire formed by Charlemagne lasted until 1806 when the last emperor Francis II was defeated by Napoleon.



All Star
Dec 9, 2012
The revival of the "Holy" Roman Empire will be the last secular empire this world will see before the second coming of Christ