European Jews are white people and it’s not that they have their own shyt, they are just allowed to eat at the white hegemony round table, often to the chagrin of gentile whites but that’s not my problem. White tribalism is not my concern.
Anyways, Blacks need to become self sufficient. It’s soul destroying to see grown men Tap dancing for white women on morning shows. Fukking horrible. But at this point we must blame ourselves. Whites will never be kind, apologetic or gracious and so the ball is in our court. We must make our own way.
It ain’t rocket science breh, but it’s still gives me a migraine to see a black man talk about slavery ain’t that bad, while I’ve met Native Americans still asking for reparations and I see Arabs who’ve experienced an iota of the things blacks have experienced dedicated to fighting Amero Imperialsim. We need to grow a spine
Jews wield a tremendous amount of power, relative to the size of their population.
I remember years ago, when I got my first Forbes magazine, and it was the issue with the top 400 richest Americans. It said that, despite being 40 percent of the pop., 40 percent of the list was comprised of Jews. That is insane.
That being said, I can understand how it makes you feel, but I'm no longer shocked by it.
You're either self-sufficient, or you play ball on someone else turf.
Even if you're not 'c00ning', I firmly believe there are deep, negative psychological effects resulting from black folks always depending on white folks for jobs, even though we consider them evil and our oppressors.
It's never enough to say we need to be self-sufficient. We do that a lot, but that isn't changing anything.