Law Library series was good. He would be popular if these songs dropped today. Ahead of his time.
Law Library is a (unsung) classic series, and it's high tier content. I haven't heard them all but all of them together would be a dope re-release for him, maybe he can link the promotion to his gig with TuneCore and they can do a little mini web series showing artists the value of re-releasing their older work
My intention with this thread isn't to disparage Papoose, once upon a time I was hype for him and Lil Eazy E ... Disappointed by Game's debut. These days were the first current time I really tapped into, prior to this most of what I was orientated to in Hip-Hop was legacy work ... The classics and catalogs of greats, things I liked on the radio were few and far between sometimes entire seasons went by where I had disdain for every song in rotation
Moreso I just seek to highlight how far off the axis even great artist can get when there's opportunity of a label push kind of thing ... Basically, within seeing the singles that didn't work you can begin to see the difference between those and the singles that do work, or where the artist is incongruent with the song they're trying to make
People mocked his intro on that song the same way they mock his bars with the punchlines
Helicopter in the sky
Airplane in the clouds
Boats in the ocean
Car travel the ground
I watch from the balcony
This is a busy town
------ and all of the above is dope and potentially iconic opening lines (think "go shorty it's your birthday") then he blows it up here
Kinda like Miami

I might lock it down
So I don't know is it like something about Papoose himself that like people just can't take him seriously there's something about what he's doing that we just naturally have it innate response to not take it seriously or to see it as a joke or something like what is it about Papoose that elicits this reaction on such a widespread basis