I don't know what you mean about the Tupac thing. I started listening to 2Pac in '93 and have been studying his life and death since '96. I'm well versed in that subject so please come with facts only.
The Bloods and Crips represent the red (Royal Arch Degree) and blue lodges of Freemasonry. All are secret in nature, require initiation, communicate using hand signs and various stances, rep colors, use numbers, symbols, pay dues (get it), will murder for snitching on the organization etc. I can get into the red and blue mass dealing with law enforcement but I'll save that for another day. If you look at the Chicago gangs which are closely connected to the Bloods and Crips you should be able to see that it's nothing more than a masonic system.
As far as there being different lodges, I will agree however their is legitimate Freemasonry and clandestine Freemasonry. Legit lodges have to be approved by the Grand Lodge or they are considered clandestine. So even though the lodges are different there is still a commonality throughout and the oaths/initiations are generally the same. A mason in a gangster lodge is still bond by the same oaths as a mason in a Black Prince Hall lodge. That is a major difference between masons and other organizations.
Even though Bloods and Crips are masonic in nature they aren't 50 million strong, have the history nor financial resources as the masons nor have the influenced society as the Freemasons have. If you throw a gang sign up at the judge you may be held in contempt. If you throw up the masonic grand hailing sign of distress you may win the case. How many times have you heard someone say "The Crips started this country." lol You trying to pass masons off as just some other group is quite silly. I'll go as far as to say that most groups are outgrowths of Freemasonry, were started by Masons are closely follow the masonic structure. They are what I like to refer to as junior Freemasonry organizations. You join the Boy Scouts maybe the DeMolay when you are a kid, go on to a fraternity during college and the become a Mason as a adult. Or Girl scouts, Daughters of Job, a sorority, then the Eastern Star for females. Study the structure and nature of various groups and you will see the same patterns of oaths, initiations , secrecy, paying dues, use of colors, hand signs etc. Maybe not all of them but enough that would cause a non bias person to question their relationship with Freemasonry which pre-dates them.
Now if I were a conspiracy theorist I could take this info and say that our society is secretly controlled Masonicly.
I'm tired. Come up with a good response and I'll get back at you tomorrow. But don't tell me a group of men could hang a damn mayor out of a window and no body go to jail then turn around and say that's not power. Had it been the Bloods (unless the members were masons) they would not get away with it.