Hmm sounds good to me. at least he's trying to come up with solutions more then Obama has ever proposed. I doubt his going to do half of what this proposes but at least his open to our concerns Obama only cared about fags in did nothing for nikkas if Trump ends up doing more for blacks then the so called Black President Obama will look funny in the light.
who cares...trump fukking over other immigrants + black folks freaking out and becoming accountable would do us a lot of good
only issue is hoping Trump don't get us bombed by Russia or China
edit: Black folks are "all lives matter" and don't even know it ....y'all so scared of Trump you'd rather be a mascot and cape for other minorities so they won't get targeted by him
Blacks have one shot to fukk over other groups for the benefit for ourselves and nikkas clamming up like pussies .....
protecting fakkits, dykes, mexicans, syrians, and etc so hillary can help them out and fukk y'all unskilled nikkas over even more
I hope trump wins because it will wake blacks up and get us together like during segregation times.
I voted in a COLI thread saying Trump would be better for BLACK AMERICA than Hilary and im right. Black folk have never been more woke than they've ever been since perhaps the civil rights movement.
Hilary is a fukking white supremacist that has tortured and disenfranchised blacks here in america AND abroad, yet your stupid ass probably thinks she's better for blacks than Trump.
Newsflask, HILARY IS A fukkING WHITE SUPREMACIST, like trump. The difference is Hilary is fukking GLOBALIST and a demonic, evil bytch hell bent on world domination. Democrats should have done the right thing and nominate Elizabeth Warren last election cycle, but the Dems are morons and will never do the right thing.
Voted trump this morning. I'm in NY so it doesn't matter much--but my cousin got football numbers cuz of the 94 crime bill for a first time gun offense. Couldn't justify voting for the Clinton's after they did that to him, just couldn't.
fukk cac politics btw.