if thats tha baddest broad u've ever seen, either your taste is reallyor u need to get out more, that bytch look like a average ass yellabone not even a super fine one...

if thats tha baddest broad u've ever seen, either your taste is reallyor u need to get out more, that bytch look like a average ass yellabone not even a super fine one...
nikkas mesmerized by the body and hair which is understandable
Her face is average tho. Attached to different head of hair and body and most you nikkas aint sweating her.
She bad but she flawed.
Pretty much.Attached to a different head of hair and body and most you nikkas aint sweating her.
You wrong breh.
She just looks like a more Hispanic version of chick from that movie Urban Legend minus the mole:
I told you why I cared in the first post you probably paid attention too. I don't get why you a girl capping when a few said something like her t*ts aren't the biggest or she avg none of which is a diss imo esp if you don't know this chick. Most people are avg/ok looking no crime in that except on the net where you don't agree your gay/bytches you fukk must all be dimes/etc. Also I'm not defending no dude on here/famous cat someone that ain't my fam/friend over looks (now other stuff I agree with yeah depends) thats all and I came up with the only reason I could think of. Nothing more nothing less just was wondering aloud in typed form.There were a few post complaining about her..I think someone said her chest was flat or she's not that attractive to them.I didn't quote you so why do you care?