Remember black people: Arabs are not your friends!


Nov 25, 2014
Mar 27, 2013
Studies say people of the same race tend to emphasize more with their race, do more business with their race, discriminate less against their own race, etc. So scientifically blacks as a whole and in generally--including rappers, athletes, democrats and some of the Coli--are more black people's friends than whites, Asians, Arabs are or ever will be. For proof, just look at where blacks are mostly employed and have the most power: hip hop (rappers), sports (athletes), Democrats (i.e. President Obama) and the Coli (i.e. the owner of the Coli is black, we have black mods, etc). So you see, just like the studies predict, black people most empower black people, both directly and indirectly. Arabs meanwhile empower nobody but themselves. Have you ever seen an Arab hire a black man? No? I haven't either. Studies predict this too.

Most Arabs are bigoted against blacks, similar to whites and Mexicans, and like Ali said: if 9800 snakes want to bite you, the other 200 don't matter. Arabs do not die in jihad to protect black people; they die in jihad to protect their god, their way of life, their countries and their people. None of the Arab jihadists whom blow themselves up in ISIS do so for blacks and you are a benighted fool to think so.

To speak of what Arabs have done and do for blacks, we need only talk about recent events. Arabs funneled Northern Sudan money and weapons to wipe out blacks in Sudan. The Egyptian Arabs said nothing as Darfur and black people burned. The Saudis said nothing as Darfur and black people burned. The Arabs just kept giving the Northern Sudanese more money and weapons to do their anti-black bidding. This is what they think of blacks.

Any black person who embraces Islam to become an Arabicized caste slave, which is what black people are in Arab countries, is a fool.

Ok, I'm not going to go back and forth with you because for the most, everything you posted was bullshyt. Black people do more business with other blacks? No they don't.

Have I ever seen an Arab hire a black man? Yes I have. (Thanks for the softball questions (pause))

You talk about what Arabs do or don't do for black people. MUSLIMS, have rules that they have to follow. I'm sorry to break it to you, but black people just like any other race of non-muslims, are not a priority to muslims. I know you think your special, but to a muslim, your a nonbeliever just like anybody else. And the lifestyle you live, the things you buys, the way you REPRESENT YOURSELF is that of a nonbeliever. So tell me again, why a person who has RULES SENT DOWN BY GOD telling them not associate WITH ANYONE who is not a muslim, tell me how they are wrong again by following those rules?

Better yet, don't tell me anything at all. I've made my point. Keep up with your crusade to keep black people in the EXACT SAME POSITION they have been for the past 400 years. I'm sure EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE, WHEN THEY CHANGE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL.


I love the bolded part. Now reverse what you said, and tell me what black people are in America under Christiantiy? Oh yeah, I told you to stop talking to me. Feel free to think it though.


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
:scust: How do us blacks represent ourselves ??
Ok, I'm not going to go back and forth with you because for the most, everything you posted was bullshyt. Black people do more business with other blacks? No they don't.

Have I ever seen an Arab hire a black man? Yes I have. (Thanks for the softball questions (pause))

You talk about what Arabs do or don't do for black people. MUSLIMS, have rules that they have to follow. I'm sorry to break it to you, but black people just like any other race of non-muslims, are not a priority to muslims. I know you think your special, but to a muslim, your a nonbeliever just like anybody else. And the lifestyle you live, the things you buys, the way you REPRESENT YOURSELF is that of a nonbeliever. So tell me again, why a person who has RULES SENT DOWN BY GOD telling them not associate WITH ANYONE who is not a muslim, tell me how they are wrong again by following those rules?

Better yet, don't tell me anything at all. I've made my point. Keep up with your crusade to keep black people in the EXACT SAME POSITION they have been for the past 400 years. I'm sure EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE, WHEN THEY CHANGE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL.


I love the bolded part. Now reverse what you said, and tell me what black people are in America under Christiantiy? Oh yeah, I told you to stop talking to me. Feel free to think it though.